Saturday, September 20, 2014

Number 5 ~ Create a blog

So this is a blog post about a blog...

Number 5 is a late entry.  Added after The Road Block.  It replaces "planting a rose garden"...   I dream of a glorious rose garden... Unfortunately it's just not going to happen before 40.  But fear not, its on the 50 before 50 list, right up there with buying my mumma shack... 

For a while i've toyed with the idea of having a fun blog.  Realistically its something that I know will only be read by a handful of people, but its somewhere where I am leaving part of my thoughts and who I am... something I can reflect on in years to come if I want.  I like writing so I figured a blog and I could be friends.

You can see my new blog here.  Mumma Shack Dreamin'.  I don't know how often i'll get to post but the goal at the moment is at least weekly.  We'll see.  No promises.  
