Saturday, October 18, 2014

Number 6 ~ A herb garden

The countdown is on to the big 4-0.  The party is organised, the invites have been sent and this is only the 9th thing I am crossing off the 40 things list.  Yep, 9 of 40. 
But i'm not giving up yet.  I'm on a mission to see how many I do get done.  (The rest can get rolled over to 50 before 50).
So number 6 on the list was to create a herb garden. 
Now I can assure you that the purpose of this said herb garden was always intended to be purely visual.   I'm not really that into herbs for culinary purposes.  And using them for medicinal purposes is just taking things too far for me.
So pretty herb garden to look at and water and pray it survives.  I'm not that bad with plants.  I'm no green thumb but I go alright.  I'm very casual when it comes to maintenance tho.  The whole fertiliser/bug control/plant diseases thing - nah-uh-uh, not this little ducky.  Sure I know how to throw out some snail pellets and spray around some white oil but beyond that it's survival of the fittest...
But back to pretty... 
So what I had in mind originally was a grand spiral herb garden made out of bricks.   Unfortunately I have already pushed my luck and created an unapproved garden at my rental property so this is out of the question for now...
Instead I decided on pots.   So off to Bunnings I went and bought pots, herbs and some plant markers.

My trip to Bunnings

A cute herb garden needs cute signs right!?  So I hand stamped these little babies ready for my little herb garden. 

Next step... pot up herbs in cute pots and display on gorgeous cake stand.  Add cute little handstamped signs and place on front patio on old chippy desk.  CUTE CUTE CUTE!

So visually I am pleased with this little number!  But then I got to thinking about the herbs...
We've got chives, parsley, sage, thyme, mint, basil and oregano.
 I'm feeling that the chives, basil and oregano may get a culinary run.  And possibly thyme.  (My mum once made these amazing chicken and thyme rissoles so it might come in useful).  As for parsley I only see it as a garnish and I don't know if they kids will appreciate it on their party pies or fish fingers (but mumma might get fancy with that yet - stay tuned).  Mint is just as useless but smells great.   And sage... seriously what is sage?!?!?!?  It looked good so it made the cut but I have no idea what to do with it!   I tried to google it but it mentioned fertility and I got scared and x'd out of it... Ain't nobody got time for that...  
Oh well, I guess even if they never get used at least they look good!!!
So there she is.  Number 6.  A herb garden. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Number 5 ~ Create a blog

So this is a blog post about a blog...

Number 5 is a late entry.  Added after The Road Block.  It replaces "planting a rose garden"...   I dream of a glorious rose garden... Unfortunately it's just not going to happen before 40.  But fear not, its on the 50 before 50 list, right up there with buying my mumma shack... 

For a while i've toyed with the idea of having a fun blog.  Realistically its something that I know will only be read by a handful of people, but its somewhere where I am leaving part of my thoughts and who I am... something I can reflect on in years to come if I want.  I like writing so I figured a blog and I could be friends.

You can see my new blog here.  Mumma Shack Dreamin'.  I don't know how often i'll get to post but the goal at the moment is at least weekly.  We'll see.  No promises.  


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Number 29 ~ be pampered

So I am here... beginning another post... which means I took option 2 at the roadblock.  I'm going on the alternative route...  I'm going to add some things to the list and i'm going to give this a good go... (I am also going to try and not focus on doing this in less than 5 months)...

Today I took some "me" time.  I absolutely love being pampered.  It doesn't happen often enough but when it does I love it. 

So today I was booked in for the following:

Spiritual Garden -

Allow your mind to be still as you are cocooned for your comfort on our relaxing warm massage bed while our psychic healer calms you as she assists with life stresses and challenges. Followed by a deeply relaxing and balancing massage pamper. Float home feeling calm, relaxed and soulful.(includes psychic reading )

Reflexology Oriental Garden -

Begin with a foot soak and scrub and warm towel compress, scented with a stimulating refreshing mix of lemon, mint and lavender. Then allow your therapist to clear any blockages, using the reflexology points of the feet, to knowingly guide you through your bodies weaknesses and challenges. Float into this Chinese ritual with a green tea infused with cleansing ginger and honey.

Sounds good right?  And I had the perfect me day planned... Shopping on my own, lunch, then an afternoon of relaxation... 

Unfortunately for me the day had other plans.   I was on my way to the shopping centre when my oldest son calls.  We had been dogsitting the most adorable pomerian for the past 2 weeks and he calls to say she has got out and was missing.   I was frantic!!!  So I turn my car around and fly home.  We drive the streets, we walk the streets, we ask people and we called the RSPCA and vets.  We did this for hours.  And by this time I am in tears and my appointment time has arrived.  Frantic text to the day spa to cancel.  Next we make signs and go to put them on telegraph poles.  Putting up a sign and like the image of a God coming towards us is our saviour.  Pom pom the pomeranian has been found!!!   So I call the day spa and tell them I am on my way!

I arrive there frazzled and an hour late.  So my hour and a half relaxing "Spiritual Garden" turns into a 1/2 hour back massage and quick psychic reading... No floating home feeling calm, relaxed and soulful for me today... and really no reading either because she wasn't getting much because we were rushed... "Do you hate your job"?  Me: "no, I love my job"... "oh"... "Are you having money troubles"?  Me: "no, not really"... "oh"...

But hey, it was what it was... I was late... I accept that...

Next up is the foot pamper... it was nice... and I was relaxed.  I almost went to sleep.  But I did not float into this Chinese ritual with my tea... I didnt even get offered it... Although as I was coccooned with an eye mask on I am glad I didnt have to deal with that awkwardness...  Tea by IV drip anyone?

So at the end of the day it was a bit of a flop, but it was still a me day... I'm crossing it off the list for now but if I get the chance to do it again before 40 i'm taking it.

Road block...

It's July... As in now less than 5 months before deadline... and poor old 40 things before 40 has hit a road block...

I can't believe it was in December that I last posted!  Or the fact that there are not more things crossed off the list...

So what does one do when she comes to the road block?  Does she end the mission there (scrap the entire list)?  Does she find an alternate route (modify the list)?  Or does she just barge on through that big old road block (race out and find a rich lover with a big house who is willing to let her rip walls out)? 

Option 1 has been playing on my mind as the one to go with... but a little voice in me keeps bugging me to take option 2.

(Option 3, sorry, I'm sure you're a great guy but i'm just not interested)...  
Before we go on tho lets take a squizz at the roadblock...

So April 2014 I had the opportunity to go to Europe for work.  BIG FAT HUGE step out of my comfort zone.  I never imagined I would leave my children for 10 days, let alone to go on an international trip on my own.   But I did.  And it was amazing.  And I realised that I am part of a big world and I don't have to be caged in by things that my heart doesn't want to do anymore.  I can tell you Europe changed my life.   For the first time in a long time I was just ME.   I met strangers who become amazing friends in a short period of time.  I met people with a passion for travel, for life.  I stood in places that had been through the horrors of war, places dripping with history.  Castles and countrysides.  People and travellers.  And it changed me.

Fast forward to May and the decision was made that my husband and I would separate.  Enter 40 things before 40 roadblock.  This year we had planned to buy a house together.  So there's one thing on the list that won't be completed.  And at this house we had plans... gardens and animals and decorating and... well plans... so cross another 6 or so things off the list...  Paintballing and a weekend away at a B&B with hubby... off the list too...

There's also a couple of things on the list too that I just don't think are going to happen... I mean seriously, in the past 15 months do you think i've seen a single gecko!?  I do not WANT to see a gecko, but as its my fear I NEED one to have a photo with.  *Hyperventilating at the thought*

So now the decision is down to option 1 or option 2...